Research in Crop Sciences & Consulting in Agriculture

Manfred G. Raupp
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Dr. Friedrich W. Nagel
Gedenkreden 2024
Gedenken an F. W. Nagel 2024.pdf (1.02MB)
Dr. Friedrich W. Nagel
Gedenkreden 2024
Gedenken an F. W. Nagel 2024.pdf (1.02MB)

Die Stafforter Pfarrherren
220515 Die Stafforter Pfarrherren Corr 2. Auflage_1.pdf (18.71MB)
Die Stafforter Pfarrherren
220515 Die Stafforter Pfarrherren Corr 2. Auflage_1.pdf (18.71MB)



Das Stafforter Schloss 1599
Das Schloss zu Staffort 1.8.pdf (5.02MB)
Das Stafforter Schloss 1599
Das Schloss zu Staffort 1.8.pdf (5.02MB)


Sprachkompetenz und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Dialog in deutscher, englischer & türkischer Sprache
Raupp Hartman Yücel Sprachkompetenz D-E-Tr 1.5.pdf (844.13KB)
Sprachkompetenz und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Dialog in deutscher, englischer & türkischer Sprache
Raupp Hartman Yücel Sprachkompetenz D-E-Tr 1.5.pdf (844.13KB)



Tabakanbau in Staffort & Stutensee
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Arnold Hauck Ehrenbürger und Tabakanbau 4.0.pdf (5.97MB)
Tabakanbau in Staffort & Stutensee
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Arnold Hauck Ehrenbürger und Tabakanbau 4.0.pdf (5.97MB)
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Sprachkompetenz
Lesefibel für den albanisch-deutsch-englischen Dialog
Raupp Hartman Velija Sprachkompetenz A- D-E 2.4.pdf (898.94KB)
Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Sprachkompetenz
Lesefibel für den albanisch-deutsch-englischen Dialog
Raupp Hartman Velija Sprachkompetenz A- D-E 2.4.pdf (898.94KB)

Biofector Online
Manfred G. Raupp
BIOFECTOR ProjectBuch3.1docx_1.pdf (1.1MB)
Biofector Online
Manfred G. Raupp
BIOFECTOR ProjectBuch3.1docx_1.pdf (1.1MB)

Biofector Herbarium
Manfred G. Raupp
Unkräuter und Herbs De-En3.0.pdf (3.2MB)
Biofector Herbarium
Manfred G. Raupp
Unkräuter und Herbs De-En3.0.pdf (3.2MB)

Manfred G. Raupp
Manfred G. Raupp

Exportstrategien & Management
Manfred G. Raupp
Exportstrategien für Management und Organisation 2019 EV_1.pdf (739.24KB)
Exportstrategien & Management
Manfred G. Raupp
Exportstrategien für Management und Organisation 2019 EV_1.pdf (739.24KB)


Marketing and Agriculture
Manfred G Raupp
Marketing AgriculturePW.pdf (495.63KB)
Marketing and Agriculture
Manfred G Raupp
Marketing AgriculturePW.pdf (495.63KB)


Innovation & Agriculture
Manfred G Raupp
On Innovations in the Area of AgricultureN.pdf (266.59KB)
Innovation & Agriculture
Manfred G Raupp
On Innovations in the Area of AgricultureN.pdf (266.59KB)

Tabakbau der Hardt
Manfred G Raupp
Zum Tabakbau der Hardt 2016.pdf (467.98KB)
Tabakbau der Hardt
Manfred G Raupp
Zum Tabakbau der Hardt 2016.pdf (467.98KB)


Silizium Aktivator
Manfred Raupp & Markus Weinmann
Silizium als Aktivator bei KulturpflanzenE.pdf (1.52MB)
Silizium Aktivator
Manfred Raupp & Markus Weinmann
Silizium als Aktivator bei KulturpflanzenE.pdf (1.52MB)

Lead & Convince & Sell
Manfred G. Raupp: Basiscs of Communication
MGR PH Lead Convince and Sell.pdf (255.41KB)
Lead & Convince & Sell
Manfred G. Raupp: Basiscs of Communication
MGR PH Lead Convince and Sell.pdf (255.41KB)

Führen Überzeugen & Verkaufen
Manfred G. Raupp; Basics für Studium und Alltag
Führen Überzeugen & Verkaufen_1.pdf (1.11MB)
Führen Überzeugen & Verkaufen
Manfred G. Raupp; Basics für Studium und Alltag
Führen Überzeugen & Verkaufen_1.pdf (1.11MB)

BIOFECTOR Publications

Markus Weinmann Bioeffektoren Dissertation Hohenheim;

  • Bio-Effectors for Improved Growth, Nutrient Acquisition and Di sease Resistence pf Crops, Hrsg: Manfred G Raupp, Madora GmbH, Luckestr. 1, D-79539 Lörrach und Lörrach International e.V. V.Reg.Nr. 1578 ,  Lörrach 2019, ISBN 978-3-945046-12-8



    1. Borriss R (2015): Towards a new generation of commercial microbial disease control and plant growth promotion products. In Lugtenberg B. (ed.) Principles of Plant Microbe Interactions. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp.329-337



    2. Borriss R (2015): Bacillus, a plant beneficial bacterium. In Lugtenberg B. (ed.) Principles of Plant Microbe Interactions. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp.379-389



    3. Halpern M, Bar-Tal A, Ofeky M, Minz D, Müller T, Yermiyahu U (2015) The Use of biostimulants for enhancing nutrient uptake. Advances in Agronomy 130-141-1748/MMBR.00050-14.



    4. Hardoim PR, van Overbeek LS, Berg G, Pirttiläd AM, Compante S, Campisano A, Döring M, Sessitsch A (2015) The Hidden world within plants: Ecological and evolutionary considerations for defining functioning of microbial endophytes. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2015 September ; 79(3): 293–320. doi:10.112



    5. Holečková Z., Kulhánek, M., Balík, (2017): Microorganisms in Plant Protection (the review. Int. J. Plant Sci (in press)



    6. Holečková Z., Kulhánek M., Balík J. (2017): Use of active microrganisms in crop production - a review. Submitted to Agronomy Journal



    7. Matics H., Biró B. (2015): History of soil fertility enhancement with inoculation methods. (A termékenységet javító baktériumos talajoltás történeti áttekintése). J. Central European Agriculture, 16 (2): .231-248 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/16.2.1614



    8. Nkebiwe, P.M., Weinmann, M., Bar-Tal, A., Müller, T. (2016). Fertilizer placement to improve crop nutrient acquisition and yield: a review and meta-analysis. Field Crops Research 196:389-401



    9. Van Oosten, M.J., Pepe, O., De Pascale, S., Silletti, S., Maggio, A. (2017): The role of biostimulants and bioeffectors as alleviators of abiotic stress in crop plants. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 4, 1, Article number 5.



    10. van Overbeek LS, Saikkonen K. (2016) Impact of Bacterial-Fungal Interactions on the Colonization of the Endosphere. Trends Plant Sci. 2016 Mar;21(3):230-42. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2016.01.003.



    11. Zaytseva O, Neumann G. (2016): Carbon nanomaterials: production, impact on plant development, agricultural and environmental applications” in Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 2016. DOI: 10.1186/s40538-016-0070-8



    12. Zaytseva O. and Neumann G. (2018): Penetration and Accumulation of Carbon-Based Nanoparticles in Plants. In: Phytotoxicity of Nanoparticles. Eds. Faisal, M., Saquib, Q., Alatar, A.A., Al-Khedhairy, A.A, Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-76708-6 ISBN 978-3-319-76707-9, pp.103-118.



    13. Weinmann M. and Neumann G. (2020): Bio-effectors to optimize the mineral nutrition of crop plants. In: Rengel Z. (ed.). Achieving Sustainable Crop Nutrion. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, 2020, ISBN: 978 1 78676 312 9.  



    Peer-reviewed scientific Publications



    - 2013



    1. Akter Z., Weinmann M., Neumann G., Römheld V. (2013) An in-vitro .screening method to study the activity potential of biofertilizers based on Trichoderma and Bacillus sp. J. Plant Nutr. 36: 1439-1452.



    2. Carvalhais LC, Dennis PG, Fan B, Fedoseyenko D, Kierul K, et al. (2013) Linking Plant Nutritional Status to Plant-Microbe Interactions. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68555. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068555



    3. Dietel K, Beator B, Budiharjo A, Fan B, Borriss R (2013) Bacterial traits involved in colonization of Arabidopsis thaliana roots by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. Plant Pathol. J. 29(1) : 59-66 pISSN 1598-2254 eISSN 2093-9280



    4. Imran M, Asim M, 5. Römheld V, Neumann G (2013) Nutrient seed priming improves seedling development and increases grain yield of maize exposed to low root zone temperatures during early growth. Europ. J. Agron.49: 141-148.



    6. Niu B, Vater J, Rueckert C, Blom J, Lehmann M, Ru JJ,Chen XH, Wang Q, Borriss R (2013) Polymyxin P is the active principle in suppressing phytopathogenic Erwinia spp. by the biocontrol rhizobacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa M-1. BMC Microbiology 13:137. doi:10.1186/1471-2180-13-137  



    - 2014



    7. Budiharjo A, Chowdhury SP, Dietel K, Beator B, Dolgova O, et al. (2014) Transposon Mutagenesis of the Plant-Associated Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ssp. plantarum FZB42 Revealed That the nfrA and RBAM17410 Genes Are Involved in Plant-Microbe-Interactions. PLoS ONE 9(5): e98267. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0098267



    8. Dudás A., Gáspár T., Kotroczó Z., Győri A., Wass-Matics H., Keöd Á., Végvári G., Biró B. (2014) Egy spórás bacillus oltóanyag hatása a paradicsom növekedésére és terméshozamára. (Sporeforming bacillus inoculums affecting tomato growth and yield). Economica, 2014(3): 169-174.



    9. Gáspár T., Dudás A., Kotroczó Z., Wass-Matics H., Trugly B., Győri A., Szalai Z., Biró B. (2014) Bioeffektor talajoltóanyagok alkalmazási módszerfejlesztése tenyészedény-kísérletben paradicsommal. (Development of application method of bioeffector inoculums application in pot-experiment). Economca, 2014(3): 183-189.



    10. Qiao JQ, Wu HJ, Huo, RGao XW, Borriss R (2014) Stimulation of plant growth and biocontrol by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum FZB42 engineered for improved action. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 1:12



    11. Scholz R, Vater J, Budiharjo A,Wang Z,He Y,Dietel K, Schwecke T,Herfort S,Lasch P, Borriss R (2014) Amylocyclicin, a novel circular bacteriocin produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. Journal of Bacteriology 196: 1842–1852.  



    12. Schreiter S, Ding GC, Heuer H, Neumann G, Sandmann M, Grosch R, Kropf , Smalla K (2014): Effect of the soil type on the microbiome in the rhizosphere of field-grown lettuce. Front Microbiol. 2014 Apr 8;5:144. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00144



    13. Schreiter S, Sandmann M, Smalla K, Grosch R (2014): Soil type dependent rhizosphere competence and biocontrol of two bacterial inoculant strains and their effects on the rhizosphere microbial community of field-grown lettuce. PLoS ONE 9: 1-11.



    14. Ventorino V, Sannino F,Piccolo A, Cafaro V, Carotenuto R, Pepe O (2014) Methylobacterium populi VP2: Plant growth-promoting bacterium Isolated from a highly polluted environment for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) biodegradation. The Scientific World Journal 2014:, Article ID 931793,



    - 2015



    15. Akter Z, Neumann G., Römheld V. (2015) Effects of Biofertilizers on Mn and Zn Acquisition and Growth of Higher Plant: a Rhizobox Experiment. Journal of Plant Nutrition 38: 596-608.DOI:10.1080/01904167.2014.934478



    16. Biró B., Domonkos M., Kocsis T., Juhos K., Szalai Z., Végvári G. (2015) Két mikrobiális oltóanyag hatása tehéntrágya alapú komposztok és a talajok várható minőségi tulajdonságaira. (Two biofertilizers affecting a cow-compost ripening and potential soil quality).Talajvédelem (Soil-protection) 2015: 9-18.



    17. Biró B., Şumalan Ra., Şumalan Re., Farkas E., Schmidt B. (2016) Az AM gombák hatása büdöske foszfor-felvételére és fejlődésére modellkísérletben. (Effect of AM fungi on P-uptake of Tagetes patula in model experiments). Kertgazdaság (Horticulture), 48(2): 45-56.



    18. Geistlinger J, Zwanzig J, Heckendorff S, Schellenberg I (2015) SSR Markers for Trichoderma virens: Their evaluation and application to Identify and quantify root-endophytic strains. Diversity 7: 360-384; doi:10.3390/d7040360



    19. Imran M, Kolla M, Römheld V, Neumann G (2015) Impact of nutrient seed priming on germination, seedling development, nutritional status and grain yield of maize. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 38:12, 1803-1821, DOI:10.1080/01904167.2014.990094



    20. Leiser WL, Olatoye MO, Rattunde FW, Neumann G, Weltzien E, Haussmann BIG (2015) No need to breed for enhanced colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to improve low-P adaptation of West African sorghums. Plant Soil DOI 10.1007/s11104-015-2437-2441.



    - 2016



    21. Bradáčová K, Weber NF, Morad‑Talab N, Asim M, Imran M, Weinmann M, Neumann G (2016) Micronutrients (Zn/Mn), seaweed extracts, and plant growth-promoting bacteria as cold-stress protectants in maize. Chem. Biol. Technol. Agric. 3:19 DOI 10.1186/s40538-016-0069-1



    22. Biró B., Şumalan Ra., Şumalan Re., Farkas E., Schmidt B. (2016) Az AM gombák hatása büdöske foszfor-felvételére és fejlődésére modellkísérletben. (Effect of AM fungi on P-uptake of Tagetes patula in model experiments). Kertgazdaság (Horticulture), 48(2): 45-56.



    23. Di Stasio, E., Maggio, A., Ventorino, V., Pepe, O., Raimondi, G., De Pascale, S. (2016) Free-living (N2)-fixing bacteria as potential enhancers of tomato growth under salt stress. Acta Horticulturae, in press.  



    24. Hanc, A., Boucek, J., Svehla, P., Dreslova, M., Tlustos, P. (2016) Properties of vermicompost aqueous extracts prepared under different conditions. Environmental Technology (published online at



    25. Imran M, Römheld V and Neumann G (2016): Accumulation and distribution of Zn and Mn in soybean seeds after nutrient seed priming and its contribution to plant growth under Zn and Mn-deficient conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 40: 695-708 DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2016.1262400



    26. Kocsis T., Biró B., Mátrai G., Ulmer Á., Kotroczó Z. (2016): Növényi eredetű bioszén tartamhatása a talaj szervesanyag-tartalmára és Agrokémiai tulajdonságaira. (Biochar affected to SOM and soil agronomical properties). Kertgazdaság (Horticulture), 48(1): 89-96.



    27. Lekfeldt JDS, Rex M, Mercl F, Kulhánek M, Tlustoš P, Magid J, de Neergaard A (2016) Effect of bioeffectors and recycled P-fertiliser products on the growth of spring wheat. Chem. Biol. Technol. Agric. 3:22 DOI 10.1186/s40538-016-0074-4



    28. Nebbioso A, De Martino A, Eltlbany N, Smalla K, Piccolo A (2016) Phytochemical profiling of tomato roots following treatments with different microbial inoculants as revealed by IT-TOF mass spectrometry. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture20163:12 DOI: 10.1186/s40538-016-0063-7



    29. Nkebiwe PM, Weinmann M, Müller T (2016) Improving fertilizer-depot exploitation and maize growth by inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria: from lab to field. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture3:15 DOI: 10.1186/s40538-016-0065-5



    30. Sánchez-Esteva S, Gómez-Muñoz B ,Jensen LS, de Neergaard A, Magid J (2016) The effect of Penicillium bilaii on wheat growth and phosphorus uptake as affected by soil pH, soil P and application of sewage sludge. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 3:21 DOI: 10.1186/s40538-016-0075-3



    31. Selby C, Carmichael E, Sharma HSS (2016) Bio-refining of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne): evaluation of aqueous extracts for plant defence elicitor activity using French bean cell suspension cultures. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 3:11 DOI: 10.1186/s40538-016-0061



    32. Sharma HSS, Selby C, Carmichael E, McRoberts C, Rao JR, Ambrosino P, Chiurazzi M, Pucci M, Martin T (2016) Physicochemical analyses of plant biostimulant formulations and characterisation of commercial products by instrumental techniques. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 3:13 DOI: 10.1186/s40538-016-0064-6



    33. Tlustoš P, Mercl F, Břendová K., Ochecová P.,Vondráčková S. Száková J. (2016): The modification of soil properties and plant uptake by the application of bioeffectors and amendments. Mechanization in agriculture & conserving of the resources 5: 26-29



    34. Viscardi S., Ventorino V., Duran P., Maggio A., De Pascale S., de la Luz Mora M., Pepe O. (2016): Assessment of plant growth promoting activities and abiotic stress tolerance of Azotobacter chroococcum strains for a potential use in sustainable agriculture. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 16:848-863.  



    - 2017



    35. Ansari M., Shekari F*, Mohammadi MH, Biró B, Végári G (2017): Improving germination indices of alfalfa cultivars under saline stress by inoculation with beneficial bacteria. Seed Sci. & Technol., 45: 1-10.



    36. Bryndum S, Pittroff SM, Nicolaisen MH, Magid J, de Neergaard A (2017) Microbial inoculation has a limited effect on vegetable waste compost turnover and quality. Waste Management (under review)



    37. Di Stasio et al. (2017): Ascophyllum nodosum based algal extracts act as enhancers of growth, fruit quality, and adaptation to stress in salinized tomato plants. Plant Soil (under review)



    38. Gómez-Muñoz, B., Lekfeldt, JDS., Magid, J., Jensen, LS., de Neergaard, A. (2017): Interactions between cold stress and soil fertility level affects biomass productivity of maize seed coated with Penicillium sp. or Mn/Zn. J. Agron. Crop Sci. (under review).



    39. Holečková Z., Kulhánek, M., Balík, J. (2017): Influence of Bioeffectors Application on Maize Growth, Yields and Nutrient Uptake. Int. J. Plant Sci (in press)



    40. Kocsis T., Biró B., Ulmer Á., Szántó M., Kotroczó Z. (2017) Time-lapse effect of ancient plant coal biochar on some soil agrochemical parameters and soil characteristics. Environ Sci Pollut Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-8707-0



    41. Kocsis T., Kotroczó Z., Biró B. (2017) Bioszén dózisok és bioeffektor baktérium oltás hatása homoktalajon tenyészedénykísérletben. (Biochar doses and bioeffector bacteria in pot experiments with sandy soils). Talajvédelem (Soil Protection Suppl.). pp. 53-60.



    42. Kotroczó Z., Biró B., Kocsis T., Veres Z., Tóth J.A., Fekete I. (2017) Hosszú távú szerves anyag manipuláció hatása a talaj természetes biológiai aktivitására. (Long-term organic matter manipulation affected to the natural soilbiological activity). Talajvédelem (Soil Protection Suppl.) pp. 73-83.



    43. Imran M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Neumann G, Boeltd B, Mühling KH (2017): Zinc distribution and localization in primed maize seeds and its translocation during early seedling development. Environmental and Experimental Botany 143: 91–98.



    44. Li M., Cozzolino V., Mazzei P., Monda H., Drosos M., Piccolo A (2017) Effects of microbial bioeffectors and P amendments on P forms in a maize cropped soil as evaluated by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Plant Soil DOI 10.1007/s11104-017-3405-8



    45. Mosimann C, Oberhänsli T, Ziegler D, Nassal D, Kandeler E, Boller T, Mäder P and Thonar C (2017) Tracing of Two Pseudomonas Strains in the Root and Rhizoplane of Maize, as Related to Their Plant Growth-Promoting Effect in Contrasting Soils. Front. Microbiol. 7:2150. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.02150



    46. Monda H, Cozzolino V, Vinci G, Spaccini R, Piccolo A (2017) Molecular characteristics of water-extractable organic matter from different composted biomasses and their effects on seed germination and early growth of maize. Science of the Total Environment 590–59: 40-49.



    47. Nkebiwe P.M., Neumann G., Müller T. 2017: Densely rooted rhizosphere hotspots induced around subsurface NH4+-fertilizer depots: a home for soil PGPMs ? Chem. Biol. Technol. Agric. (2017) 4: 29.



    48. Symanczik S, Gisler M, Thonar C, Schlaeppi K, Van der Heijden M, Kahmen A, Boller T, Mäder P (2017): Application of Mycorrhiza and Soil from a Permaculture System Improved Phosphorus Acquisition in Naranjilla. . Frontiers in Plant Sci 8: Article No. 1263. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01263



    49. Thonar C, Lekfeldt JDS, Cozzolino V, Kundel D, Kulhánek M, Mosimann C, Neumann G, Piccolo A, Rex M, Symanczik S, Walder F, Weinmann M, de



    Neergaard A, Mäder P (2017): Potential of three microbial bio-effectors to promote maize growth and nutrient acquisition from alternative phosphorous fertilizers in contrasting soils Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 4:7 DOI 10.1186/s40538-017-0088-6.



    50. Windisch S, Bott S, Ohler MA, Mock H-P, Lippmann R, Grosch R, Smalla K, Ludewig U. Neumann G. (2017): Rhizoctonia solani and bacterial inoculants stimulate root exudation of antifungal compounds in lettuce in a soil-type specific manner. Agronomy 7: 44. doi:10.3390/agronomy7020044



    51. Wollmann, I., Möller, K. (2017): Phosphorus bioavailability of sewage sludge based recycled fertilizers in an organically managed field experiment. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. (under review)



    - 2018



    52. Gómez-Muñoz B, Jensen LS, de Neergaard, AE Richardson, Magid J 2018 Effects of Penicillium bilaii on maize growth are mediated by available phosphorus. Plant Soil



    53. Mercl F, Tejnecký V, Dietel K, Břendová K, Kulhánek M, Száková J, Tlustoš P (2018): Co-application of wood ash and Paenibacillus mucilaginosus to soil: the effect on maize nutritional status, root exudation and composition of soil solution. Plant Soil



    54. Moradtalab N, Weinmann M, Walker F, Höglinger B, Ludewig U and Neumann G (2018): Silicon Improves chilling tolerance during early growth of maize by effects on micronutrient homeostasis and hormonal balances. Front. Plant Sci. 9:420. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00420



    55. Nassal D., Spohn M., Eltlbany N., Jacquiod S., Smalla K., Marhan S., Kandeler E. (2018): Effects of phosphorus-mobilizing bacteria on tomato growth and soil microbial activity. Plant Soil 427:17-37.



    56. Weber NF, Herrmann I, Hochholdinger F, Ludewig U, Neumann G (2018): PGPR-induced growth stimulation and nutrient acquisition in maize: Do root hairs matter? Sci. Agr.Bohemica 49: 164-172.



    57. Wollmann, I., Gauro, A., Müller, T., Möller, K. (2018): Phosphorus bioavailability of sewage sludge based recycled fertilizers. J.Plant Nutr. Soil Sci.181:158-166



    58. Mpanga IK, Dapaah HK, Geistlinger J, Ludewig U, Neumann G (2018): Soil type-dependent interactions of P-solubilizing microorganisms with organic and inorganic fertilizers mediate plant growth promotion in tomato. Agronomy 2018, 8, 213; doi:10.3390/agronomy8100213



    59. Van Oosten MJ, Di Stasio E, Cirillo V, Silletti S, Ventorino V, Pepe O, Raimondi G, Maggio A (2018): Root inoculation with Azotobacter chroococcum 76A enhances tomato plants adaptation to salt stress under low N conditions Plant Biology (2018) 18:20.5



     60. Vinci G., Cozzolino V., Mazzei P., Monda H., Spaccini R., Piccolo A. (2018): Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and organic and inorganic phosphate amendments on Maize plants as revealed by NMR and GC-MS based metabolomics.Plant Soil 429(10):1-14



    61. Vinci G, Cozzolino V, Mazzei P, Monda H, Spaccini R, Piccolo A (2018): An alternative to mineral phosphorus fertilizers: The combined effects of Trichoderma harzianum and compost on Zea mays, as revealed by 1 H NMR and GC-MS metabolomics. PLoS ONE 13(12): e0209664.



    - 2019



    62. Bradáčová K, Florea AS, Bar-Tal A, Minz D, Yermiyahu U, Shawahna R, Kraut-Cohen J, Zolti A, Erel R, Dietel K, Weinmann M, Zimmermann B, Berger N, Ludewig U, Neumann G, Poşta G. (2019): Microbial consortia versus single-strain inoculants: an advantage in PGPM-assisted tomato production? Agronomy, 9(2), 105;



    63. Eltlbany N, Ding G, Baklawa M, Nassal D, Weber N, Kandeler E, Neumann G, Ludewig U, van Overbeek L, Smalla K (2019): Enhanced tomato plant growth in soil under reduced P supply through microbial inoculants and microbiome shifts. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95, 2019, fiz124.



    64. Moradtalab N, Hajiboland R, Aliasgharzad N, Hartmann TE, Neumann G (2019): Silicon and the association with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Rhizophagus clarus) mitigate the adverse effects of drought stress on strawberry. Agronomy 9(1): 41;



    65. Mpanga IA, Nkebiwe PM, Kuhlmann K, Cozzolino V, Piccolo A, Geistlinger G, Berger N, Ludewig U, Neumann G (2019): The Form of N Supply Determines Plant Growth Promotion by P-Solubilizing Microorganisms in Maize. Microorganisms 7(2): 38 - 29



    66. Mpanga IK, Gomez-Genao NJ, Moradtalab N, Wanke D, Chrobaczek V, Ahmed A, Windisch S, Geistlinger J, Walker F, Ludewig U, Neumann G (2019): The role of N form supply for PGPM-host plant interactions in maize. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. Publ. online DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201900133e



    67. Bradáčová K, Sittinger M, Tietz K, Neuhäuser B, Kandeler E, Berger N, Ludewig U, Neumann G (2019) Maize inoculation with microbial consortia: contrasting effects on rhizosphere activities, nutrient acquisition and early growth in different soils. Microorganisms 7(9), 329;



    68. Mercl F, García-Sáncheza M, Kulhánek M, Košnář Z, Száková J, Tlustoš P (2019). Improved phosphorus fertilisation efficiency of wood ash by fungal strains Penicillium sp. PK112 and Trichoderma harzianum OMG08 on acidic soil



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