Research in Crop Sciences & Consulting in Agriculture

 GreenErde Banat Green Deal BW 

Education and Research in the context of the digital and ecological transformation of agriculture in the Banat Region and Baden-Württemberg

 GreenErde - Banat Green Deal BW ist ein vom 

 Staatsministerium des Landes Baden-Württemberg

 finanziell gefördertes Agrarprojekt zwischen der 

Universität Hohenheim sowie der Hochschule Nürtingen-Geislingen und der Universität Timişoara sowie der Ackerbauschule Voiteg. 

Das Projekt wird fachlich begleitet vom Ministerium für Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg sowie der madora gmbh. (2020-2022)

 Die EU-Strategie für den Donauraum (EUSDR) Am 24. Juni 2011 wurde die EUSDR offiziell durch den Europäischen Rat verabschiedet. Diese makroregionale Strategie verfolgt das Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit der Donauländer zu stärken. Schwerpunkte sind die Bereiche Infrastruktur, Umweltschutz, die Schaffung von Wohlstand sowie gute Regierungsführung. Die Strategie umfasst neun EU-Mitgliedstaaten: Bulgarien, Deutschland, Kroatien, Österreich, die Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Rumänien, die Slowakische Republik und Slowenien. Außerhalb der EU bezieht sie Serbien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Montenegro, die Republik Moldau und die Ukraine ein.



Banat Green Deal BW is an agricultural project funded by the State Ministry of the State of Baden-Württemberg between the University of Hohenheim and Nürtingen-Geislingen University and Timişoara University and Voiteg Agricultural School.

Strategic Goal of the Project

Education and Research in the context of the digital and ecological transformation of agriculture in the 
Banat Region and Baden-Württemberg

Dr. Markus Weinmann Hohenheim & 

Assoc. Prof. Ciprian George Fora Timisoara/Voiteg -

Download the brochure using this link


The Course “Agriculture in Responsibility for our common World” organised within the frame of the Banat Green Deal Project and delivered between June 2021 and May 2022 targets the knowledge and experience transfer to the farmer community in the Banat Region, Romania and other parts of the world. Current and future challenges, such as the ecological conversion and digital transformation of agricultural production, but also social, economic and cultural aspects will be addressed transcending prevailing patterns. The innovative and relevant knowledge originating from practice, experiments, research or development projects throughout Europe is deployed in a training format to the interested participants.

The starting point is the Voiteg Romanian-German Training Center for Agriculture, which has an institutional framework being established and operated by the Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara. From Germany , DEULA Baden-Württemberg gGmbH, Nürtingen-Geislingen University, Madora GmbH and the University of Hohenheim are involved as an educational partners. This cooperation seeks to expand the area of ​​topical vocational training, promote education and training in the agricultural and environmental sector, and to improve farmers` skills in responsible farming concerning the challenges of climate change. Drought events in the Banat region of Romania, Hungary and Serbia underline the need for action in this farming region with fertile arable soils. For the agricultural sector as an important socio-economic and cultural factor, questions of holistic education and training with respect to the possible benefits and risks of novel technologies, digitalization and ecological transformation, with a view to the common good and sustainable human development need to be clarified. Measures for soil, water and climate protection as well as care for socio-economic welfare and health are of increasing relevance at regional and global levels. Previous approaches in education and consultation, in applied research or in networking with initiatives in neighbouring countries urgently need to be expanded and established in a long-term framework to meet current and future challenges.   


The overarching goal of the project is to combine Baden-Württemberg's previous involvement in the Voiteg Romanian-German Training Center for Agriculture with a sustainable development strategy for the agricultural sector in the Romanian Banat and neighbouring regions by increasing the volume of professional and universal knowledge, diversifying skills with an impact on the career, obtaining perspectives, acquiring a level/status of digital literacy as well as cultural competence, and opening new horizons in the agricultural field. 

THE OBJECTIVES of the project are to: 

1. Reach a higher level of awareness and competence regarding current and future challenges for agriculture with emphasis on the adaptation to and mitigation of climate change, ecological conversion, digital transformation, maintenance of soil fertility, water resources and environmental integrity, as well as socio-economic and cultural aspects.

2. Consolidate and further develop technical, informational and communicational skills to enable the use of high technology, platforms and applications in farming activities as well as to promote the formation and active participation in Agricultural Knowledge, Innovation and Information Systems (AKIS).

3. Practical demonstration and e-learning supported training;

4. Improved networking with national and international research and education partners to ensure further development stages of the Centre as Professional Training Hub in Western Romania. 


The trainings will be conducted virtually on an interactive online and e-learning platform ILIAS ("Integrated Learning, Information and Work Cooperation System") and, if possible, as practical trainings and field demonstrations


Course participants will include farm owners, farm employers, bachelor, master and Ph.D. students. The number of participants will be limited to 50 participants on face-to-face activities and to 100 participants to the online activities due to the capacity of the online platform. All interested participants are invited to express their interest to attend. To do so, they must submit a pre-registration form. The trainings organizers will send the meeting link as well as the guidelines on engagement to confirmed participants.  


* Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara

* BASF-Agrarzentrum Limburgerhof, Germany

* CREA (Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria), Italy

* CZU (Česká zemědělská univerzita, Tschechische Agraruniversität), Czech Republic

* Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management, UC Berkeley, California, USA

* IBLA (Institute for Biological Agriculture Luxembourg), Luxemburg

* Institute for science application in agriculture, Belgrade, Serbia

* Julius Kühn-Institut – Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen (JKI) is the German Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany

* Nürtingen-Geislingen University (German: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen), Germany

* ÖMKi (Ökológiai Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézet, Ungarisches Forschungsinstitut für Organische Landwirtschaft), Hungary

* Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg), Germany

* University Belgrad, Serbia

* University of Hohenheim, Germany

* University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, Hungary

* University Prishtina, Republic Kosovo 


Simultaneous interpretation in English, German and Romanian will be provided for the trainings sessions. 


The trainings sessions will include plenary presentations and breakout groups that will allow interactive knowledge exchanges and discussions among the participants. The timing of the sessions will allow for maximum participation of participants in different regions. 


The organizers will release a Call to Action on Agriculture Education as an outcome of the trainings. It will serve as a reference point and guide for those wishing to intensify or expand their efforts in agriculture education. The Call to Action will be prepared and shared with trainings participants and other stakeholders for comments. Participants at the trainings and subsequently, organizations, will be invited to endorse the Call to Action.  


The planning and implementation of this training is a cooperative effort of six members of the Collaborative Partnership on Agriculture, namely the:  

*  University of Hohenheim

*  Banat`s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara

*  University of Nürtingen-Geislingen

*  DEULA Baden-Württemberg gGmbH

*  Madora GmbH

*   Romanian-German Training Center for Agriculture Voiteg 


  With financial support by the

State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg 



Please contact for any questions. The pre-registration form and more details about the trainings are available on the project website:


Romanian-German Training Center and Professional Development in Agriculture, 307470 Voiteg, Județul Timiș, Romania,
E-Mail:, Internet:

Manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ciprian George Fora

 The publisher is solely responsible for the content

Agriculture in responsibility for our common world
June 2021 – May 2022
GF Concept Note pdf 28.05.2021.pdf (253.2KB)
Agriculture in responsibility for our common world
June 2021 – May 2022
GF Concept Note pdf 28.05.2021.pdf (253.2KB)

The structure of the course comprises eight topical modules organised as follows: 

Module 1&2, delivered online (3rd tier of June 2021), cover topics of Current and Future Challenges for a Socially, Ecologically and Economically Sustainable Agriculture. This comprises sessions providing an overview on Agriculture in Romania,  Germany and Baden-Württemberg as well as the Global Situation. Attention will be drawn on the role of Agriculture regarding the Ecological and Cultural Crisis, which requires that solutions are not only expected from technological progress. Resilience and farming under climate change – adapted varieties and crop management, structural issues/evolution and socio-economic perspectives in Romania, Germany and Europe will be addressed. Soil Fertility and Water Purity are Precious Goods at Risk. In this context, the Taxonomy of Main Soils in Romania, Climate Change Impact on Soil Fertility, The role of Soil Life for Soil Fertility, Biological Approaches, Responsible Soil and Water Management, Soil and Water Related Technologies oriented towards Soil (Structure) Preservation, Humus Management, Low Input Technologies), Crop Rotation and Soil Fertility, Microbiology, Agricultural Pollutants and Water Purity/Quality, The Biological Activity of the Soil in Ensuring a Sustainable Agriculture, Compost and Soil Organic Matter, Organic Farming and Soil Fertility will be emphasized. In addition, field demonstrations are organised for the first two modules to illustrate the core content.


Module 3, introduces the Ecological Conversion of Agriculture: Changes and Challenges in Plant Nutrition and Protection (2nd tier of July 2021) and includes sessions in: Integrated and Biological Plant Protection and Weeds Control, Biological Agents for Crop Protection, Urban Gardening and Plant Protection without Pesticides, Traditional and Innovative Plant Health Maintenance, Field Testing of Chemical and Biological Agents, Plant Protection in Horticultural Production Systems, Plant Protection and Mineral Nutrition in Viticulture, Plant Protection in Viticulture and Horticulture with less Agrochemicals, Plant Nutrition and Resistance of Crop Plants, A Dynamic Fertilization for Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Farming - Actions, Challenges and Perspectives, The Role of Crop Rotations in the Control of Weeds, Diseases and Pests in Agricultural Crops, Agrotechnical Methods of Control of Weeds, Diseases and Pests in Agricultural Crops, Safe Application of Plant Protection Products. Field demonstrations are used to highlight the findings presented in the module sessions.


Module 4 on Soil Cultivation: Connecting Biodiversity and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (2nd tier of September 2021) covers: Soil Cultivation and Seeding, No Tillage Systems and Technique, Minimum Tillage, Strip Tillage/Target, Adaptation of Crop Plants to Drought, Cold and Inadequate Mineral Nutrient Availability in Soils, Genetic and Epigenetic Adaptation of Crop Plants to Adverse Environmental Conditions, Climate Change and Land, Impact of the Climate Change on Biodiversity, Integrating Climate Change  Attenuation and Adaptation in Plant Culture, Specific Crop Technologies with the Role of Reducing the Impact of the Climate Change, The Climate Change Influence of the Crops Physiology. Complementary to the lectures, in this module at 2-days a practical training at the Voiteg Agricultural School with the demonstration of agricultural machinery is offered for plant production managers of large farms, middle sized farm owners, specialists: soil cultivation and seeding, no tillage systems and technique, minimum tillage, strip tillage.


Module 5 introduces the Digitalization of Agriculture: Rationality and Risks (2nd tier of November 2021) integrating sessions in: Digitalization and Ethics, Basics for Digital Farming: Concept of Smart Farming, Guidance Systems and Farm Management, Field-Robotics for Soil Sampling and Analyses, Digitalisation in Land Cadastre, Optimization of Agricultural Production Processes through Smart Farming, Digitization of Farm and Off-Farm Activities, Best Apps Selection for Farmers. At 2-days of this module practical trainings at the Voiteg Agricultural School with the demonstration of modern information technology (IT) solutions in combination with networked agricultural machinery for optimized efficiency of production processes is offered for agronomists, specialists and tractorists of farms with a specialisation in crop farming: basics for digital farming, concept of smart farming, guidance systems and farm management.


Module 6 concentrates on the Global Integration of Agriculture: Social and Geographic Networking (3rd tier of January 2022) including sessions dealing with: Benefits of Forest Belts in Landscapes regarding Soil Conservation and Crop Protection, Possibilities for Restoration of Degraded Farmland, Information and Elaboration of Application Maps (Site Specific Plant Protection and Fertilisation), Precision Agriculture: Global Positioning System (GPS), Geospatial Methods for Collecting Data, (Mini-)GIS for Agriculture, Monitoring the Crops by using Remote Sensing Images. Accompanying to the lectures, for the following topics a 2-days practical training at the Voiteg Agricultural School with demonstration and exercises  offered for plant production managers of large farms and middle sized farm owners is offered: Basics for Digital Farming, Concept of Smart Farming, Guidance Systems and Farm Management.


Module 7 covers the topic of School of Agriculture and Life: Sharing Knowledge and Innovations (2nd tier of February 2022) with insights over: Sharing Knowledge and Innovation - Education and Practical Training in the Context of Digital and Ecological Transformation of Agriculture in the Banat / Digital and Ecological Transformation of Agriculture - Experiences from and for Training and Knowledge Transfer, The Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS): Inspirational Ideas to Adequately meet Local and Global needs, Romanian AKIS and Knowledge Brokerage in the Romanian Rural. Equally it delivers a vocational training seminar and experience exchange (input and workshops). 

Module 8 introduces the Integrated Crop Management and Digitalization (2nd tier of March 2022) with machines and equipment for organic farming, delivering a wide selection of applications validated by the Wisefarmer ( and Landsupport ( projects, and the impact of paired online learning as blended form of training.               The participants will receive Training Certificate for each Module issued by the BUAS Timisoara; Voiteg Schoala Agricola, DEULA, University Nürtingen-Geislingen and University of Hohenheim. The participants acquire top-of-the-art knowledge in all the domains covered by the modules and sessions enabling them to develop and project new perspectives and approaches in their farming activities and in the interactions with the wider farming community with accent on current trends and threads proving higher awareness as result of the received training and information

Project Brochure